Saturday, December 22, 2007

Romney's Mormon Problem

Money quote:

Many evangelicals won’t vote for a Mormon for president of the United States for the same reason that almost all Jews would not vote for a candidate (for any office, I expect) who is a member of Jews for Jesus. For Jews, the Jews for Jesus movement is a deceptive attempt to woo Jews to Christianity under the guise of remaining true to Judaism.

(Hat tip to Rosner.)

Mr. Valerie Wilson: Leave Foreign Affairs to the Pros (Like Me)


Good Fences Make Good Neighbors (With the Help of a Little Projectile Teargas)

Speaking of border police... (Magav = thugs in 1956, thugs today...)

Help Catch Dirty Trickster Election Stealers


Simple Arithmetic: $400 Per Caucus Vote


Muslim Punk Rock
