Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Mark Mehlman proxy James Taranto has taken to calling Chirac the "haughty, Massachusetts-looking Paris Gaullist." But shouldn't that be "Masshole-looking?"
Antonio's Transition Team
From the LA Times:
Mayor-elect Antonio Villaraigosa's transition team, which numbers more than 80 people, could devolve into a tower of Babel. Or, more optimistically, it could allow Villaraigosa to enter office with his mayoral arms around every interest he'll need to call on later.
More optimistically, he'll surround himself with representatives of special interests? More optimistically? The LA Times just doesn't get it about this guy. Let's hope this was written by the Kinsley and not the Martinez operation, because Martinez should know better.
Mayor-elect Antonio Villaraigosa's transition team, which numbers more than 80 people, could devolve into a tower of Babel. Or, more optimistically, it could allow Villaraigosa to enter office with his mayoral arms around every interest he'll need to call on later.
More optimistically, he'll surround himself with representatives of special interests? More optimistically? The LA Times just doesn't get it about this guy. Let's hope this was written by the Kinsley and not the Martinez operation, because Martinez should know better.
Guardian Avant-Garde
So this little experiment clearly has something to do with responding to blogs and other new media, but I'm not quite sure how or what...
527s Stay In Place
Last year's fervid 527 activity in swing states seems to be having a lasting impact on certain interest groups' relationships with local communities in those states. From an e-mail I received from the League of Conservation Voters, which did an enormous pro-Kerry outreach campaign around Philly and the Lehigh Valley:
As you're probably aware, the League of Conservation Voters has developed a significant grassroots presence in Pennsylvania as a result of our 2004 campaign. In the past months we have continued to build with our work on the Growing Greener Initiative, which was resoundingly passed by Pennsylvania voters in last week's primary election. We knocked on close to 10,000 doors, and talked to nearly 4,000 voters face-to-face, while contacting another 42,000 voters statewide with a mail and phone get-out-the-vote campaign. Our goal for 2005 and beyond is to continue to build a sustainable grassroots presence in the state. And we're working hard to build upon the excitement and enthusiasm that we've already encountered from our supporters and volunteers.
As you're probably aware, the League of Conservation Voters has developed a significant grassroots presence in Pennsylvania as a result of our 2004 campaign. In the past months we have continued to build with our work on the Growing Greener Initiative, which was resoundingly passed by Pennsylvania voters in last week's primary election. We knocked on close to 10,000 doors, and talked to nearly 4,000 voters face-to-face, while contacting another 42,000 voters statewide with a mail and phone get-out-the-vote campaign. Our goal for 2005 and beyond is to continue to build a sustainable grassroots presence in the state. And we're working hard to build upon the excitement and enthusiasm that we've already encountered from our supporters and volunteers.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Monday, May 02, 2005
Viacom Synergy Programming
An interview between two Viacom stars, Dr. Phil and the recently embattled Pat O'Brien, is to be aired on CBS. Exploitative? You bet. Poor Pat O'Brien... it's tough being the Irish guy on a tabloid magazine show who didn't get his own show on Fox News...
Kudos to the Much-Maligned San Francisco Chronicle...
... for reviewing Bob Avakian's new book. I thought they only reviewed books about journeys FROM communism...
Qantas Employees Held Hostage in Downtown Los Angeles
Not really. Some Angelenos -- like, for the moment, myself -- are mocking these quivering Qantas employees who fret about being quartered in a dangerous downtown flophouse, er, um, I mean, the $200 a night Bonaventure Hotel. Don't worry, mate! American streets are safe BECAUSE, not in spite, of the fact that we all carry guns!
Austrian Oak Gets Cut Down
Apparently, ueber-financier Ted Costa is thinking about telling Arnold to blow it up his Austrian oak xylum and phloem -- and witholding up to 300,000 signatures for a redistricting ballot initiative. I assume this has been reported elsewhere (???), just don't know where. John Fund reports.
Oprah Calls For Racial Harmony, Says Blacks "All Alike"
Oprah Winfrey admits she sees a hairdresser every day, a situation she considers "hair heaven."
Speaking Saturday in Denver on her "Live Your Best Life' inspirational tour, she warned white fans not to ask their black friends about hair issues because they couldn't possibly understand.
"Don't go into it because there ain't no telling. It's a strong cultural thing. We're all alike in our veins, except for our hair," Winfrey said.
Winfrey, who drew 5,000 to the Denver Convention Center, advised fans to work hard at being themselves.
Speaking Saturday in Denver on her "Live Your Best Life' inspirational tour, she warned white fans not to ask their black friends about hair issues because they couldn't possibly understand.
"Don't go into it because there ain't no telling. It's a strong cultural thing. We're all alike in our veins, except for our hair," Winfrey said.
Winfrey, who drew 5,000 to the Denver Convention Center, advised fans to work hard at being themselves.