More Inspiring News from Beijing
China, equal opportunity oppressor:
China Shuts Down Nationalist Website Pushing Petition Drive
China has shut down a popular Web site espousing nationalist views and causes, suggesting that the government's intolerance of criticism extends beyond pro-democracy liberals to conservative groups as well. The move followed the launch of an online petition by the Patriots' Alliance Web -- subject of a front-page article in The Asian Wall Street Journal in March -- to protest against a decision by the Railways Ministry to award contracts to Japanese companies to upgrade Chinese railway lines.
(Source: The Wall Street Journal)
China Shuts Down Nationalist Website Pushing Petition Drive
China has shut down a popular Web site espousing nationalist views and causes, suggesting that the government's intolerance of criticism extends beyond pro-democracy liberals to conservative groups as well. The move followed the launch of an online petition by the Patriots' Alliance Web -- subject of a front-page article in The Asian Wall Street Journal in March -- to protest against a decision by the Railways Ministry to award contracts to Japanese companies to upgrade Chinese railway lines.
(Source: The Wall Street Journal)
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