Thomas Pynchon's Next Novel?
Taegan Goddard says the tree doesn't fall far from the apple.
Like son, like father. President Bush says he doesn't read newspapers, and now, according to USA Today, his father says he's "given up" on the New York Times. "The thing that troubles me is, in my opinion, their news columns are getting to show a certain bias."
"There is a new way you do it now: 'Reporter's Notebook.' That gives you a little chance to be an advocate in the news column. Or 'Washington Whispers' or something like that. And that relieves the reporter of objective reporting... I've given up on them."
However, Media Drop reports that on Don Imus' show this morning, the former president said "I have a confession to make. I actually like Maureen Dowd."
Since Bush 41 was so candid, I'll admit that I actually like David Brooks.
So Bush 43, Antonin Scalia, and now Bush 41 have announced themselves as prominent conservatives who refuse to read the newspaper. Oh year, and Robert Welch. The paranoid style chugs along... (didn't Pynchon write a book called "The Crying of Bush 41" or something...?)
Like son, like father. President Bush says he doesn't read newspapers, and now, according to USA Today, his father says he's "given up" on the New York Times. "The thing that troubles me is, in my opinion, their news columns are getting to show a certain bias."
"There is a new way you do it now: 'Reporter's Notebook.' That gives you a little chance to be an advocate in the news column. Or 'Washington Whispers' or something like that. And that relieves the reporter of objective reporting... I've given up on them."
However, Media Drop reports that on Don Imus' show this morning, the former president said "I have a confession to make. I actually like Maureen Dowd."
Since Bush 41 was so candid, I'll admit that I actually like David Brooks.
So Bush 43, Antonin Scalia, and now Bush 41 have announced themselves as prominent conservatives who refuse to read the newspaper. Oh year, and Robert Welch. The paranoid style chugs along... (didn't Pynchon write a book called "The Crying of Bush 41" or something...?)
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