Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Another Blogosphere Milestone

A milestone has been reached. A muck-raking blog seems to have brought down Republican Congressman Ed Schrock, and Kos is saying hooray. Here's the post from yesterday:

Michale D has been on the story for several weeks.

Rep. Ed Schrock is a two-term Republican congressman from Virginia's Second District.  The National Journal ties him as the second most conservative person in all of Congress in 2003, behind only Dennis Hastert.  This isn't necessarily a turn-off in his district, which includes Virginia Beach, home of Pat Robertson, as well as Hampton Roads, home of 300,000 active-duty military and veterans.  A strong family man with a wife and kids, Schrock was a co-sponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment and opposes any possible rights for gay people, including non-discrimination in employment.

The problem is, his constituents may soon discriminate against his employment, as Schrock also seeks out gay sex on telephone dating services, and gay activists are about to release the tapes.
The tapes were circulating, thanks to the blog Blogactive.

Suddenly, as the import of the tapes became increasingly obvious, the links to the tapes disappeared from Blogactive. The strategy was clear -- if Schrock thought the tapes were a hoax, he would continue his reelection battle. And if he remained on the ballot at Friday, 5 p.m., it would be impossible to replace him on the ballot.

Alas, Shrock knew the jig was up.

U.S. Rep. Ed Schrock withdrew from his re-election race this afternoon, citing unspecified allegations.

"In recent weeks, allegations have surfaced that have called into question my ability to represent the citizens of Virginia's Second Congressional Distict," Shrock said in a press release.

Schrock, who would have been seeking his third term, did not elaborate on the nature of the allegations.

"After much thought and prayer, I have come to the realization that these allegations will not allow my campaign to focus on the real issues facing our nation and region," the statement said. "Therefore, as of today, I am stepping aside and will no longer be the Republican nominee for Congress in Virginia's Second Congressional District.
This guy co-sponsored the Hate Amendment. He had a 92 percent score from the Christian Coalition. He was Pat Robertson's congressman.

And he resigned "effective immediately". He is getting run out of town.

Democrats are running David Ashe, a former military man in a heavy military district. Republicans now have the rest of the work week to find a replacement.

And for a moment of triumphalism -- a blog brought this guy down. Amazing.