Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Girlie-Men and the Manchild

I even saw Grandma Bush waving one of these Arnold signs. From PoliticalWire:

Jason Thompson says political memorabilia collectors should keep an eye on eBay today: "The printed posters distributed for delegates to wave during Schwarzenegger's speech -- a white-lettered blue sign screaming 'ARNOLD!' -- were the hot ticket item in the convention hall Tuesday night."

"Some delegates could be seen clutching multiple signs... while other delegates -- as well as hopeful Garden staffers, RNC workers and journalists -- carefully scanned the rows of seats on the floor for the souvenirs... Of course, the '4 More Years' signs, attached to 2-foot sticks for maximum effect, were there for the taking, as were the 'People Of Compassion' signs. But those 'ARNOLD!' posters were like gold."
As of this morning, however, none had made their way to eBay.

I don't quite get it. Arnold's speech was a cliche-filled disaster. And "girlie-men?" He now says it with astonishing, impetuous regularity -- purely for fifteen or twenty seconds of immediate gratification. He is like a giant rippled infant who can't control himself.

(Kos also mentions this: "Arnold talked in his speech about how he decided to become a Republican because he saw Humphrey debate Nixon and he decided Humphrey espoused socialism and Arnold identified with Nixon.  Well guess what?  Nixon and Humphrey never debated.  Arnold invented that memory." That whole story of having the debate translated to him -- not to mention the one about the KGB spiriting off innocent Viennese at random in occupied Austria -- sounded fishy to me.)
When are Republicans going to get over the excitement of having an immigrant in the party?

Well, given their experience with blacks, probably never.