Speaking of Parties...
...the Financial Times is talking about Athens's "hang-over." Andy Rooney's 60 Minutes commentary last night was about New York's post-convention hang-over. London is still suffering from its Millennium Dome cost over-runs, and Sydney has yet to recoup its costs. (On a positive note, NPR reports that Berlin is revamping its 1936 "Nazi Olympics" stadium.) As far as I can tell, the world is headed for death by cirrhosis.
It'll cost Greece $50-100 a year just to maintain Santiago Calatrava's Olympic stadium (I think the Millennium Dome in London costs even more). When are they going to learn to build temporary facilities for these orgies of national and municipal self-congratulation?
It'll cost Greece $50-100 a year just to maintain Santiago Calatrava's Olympic stadium (I think the Millennium Dome in London costs even more). When are they going to learn to build temporary facilities for these orgies of national and municipal self-congratulation?
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