Friday, September 03, 2004

Charles Krauthammer, "Reporting For Duty"

Charles Krauthammer writes that.

"In an election year, it is too much to expect serious and complicated moral issues to be treated with seriousness and complexity. Nonetheless, the way Democrats have managed to caricature and debase the debate over embryonic stem-cell research stands in a class by itself."

So what the hell is doing talking about his own paralysis as if to swat away potential criticism -- you wouldn't disagree with a cripple, would you?

"When I was 22 and a first-year medical student, I suffered a spinal-cord injury. I have not walked in 32 years. I would be delighted to do so again. But not at any price. I think it is more important to bequeath to my son a world that retains a moral compass, a world that when unleashing the most powerful human discovery since Alamogordo — something as protean, elemental, powerful and potentially dangerous as the manipulation and re-formation of the human embryo — recognizes that lines must be drawn and fences erected."

I think Charles doth protest too much.

See the whole piece here, from Time.