Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Billy Ray Cyrus and Hannity Freedom Concerts: Not to Worry, Miley!

Jason Linkins wonders if Billy Ray Cyrus is intentionally or otherwise sabotaging his daughter's career:

Naturally, one wonders about whether Billy Ray Cyrus' decision to join up on this tour might negatively impact the career of daughter Miley Cyrus, who's more positioned as a global brand, and who produces spastic and apolitical pop marm. Might Billy Ray's actions alienate a significant portion of Miley's fanbase? The answer is: probably not! After all, Miley's tween audience probably couldn't care less about Sean Hannity, and their parents, who may care, have basically established themselves as ineffectual money-fonts who live to get pushed around by their children anyway -- hence the existence of Miley Cyrus.