Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Barack, Hillary, and the Saudi Peace Plan

Philip Weiss comments on the London Sunday Times story about Obama throwing his weight behind the Saudi peace initiative that has been getting a lot of attention: "triangulating Jeffrey Goldberg and John Mearsheimer." If the story is correct (and I am somewhat skeptical), I think one has to see Rahm Emanuel and the possibility of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a whole new and different light - if anyone can whip the Arabs and Israelis into shape, it is these two. It's a delicate enough operation that it would force Hillary and Bill to be team players.

On the other hand, if Hillary doesn't agree with this agenda, it might be a big part of her reluctance to accept the job. And of course any perceived pressure on Israel would mean that donations to Bill's foundation from Arab royalty would become a punching bag for the neocon right.