Sunday, October 19, 2008

Powell Gets His Revenge

While I disagree with Michael Crowley that Powell's Obama endorsement was "not a mere nod to Obama but rather an indictment of John McCain" (Powell took great pains to dissociate McCain from the rightward-tilting, Muslim-bashing, "narrowing" Republican Party), but Crowley's central point that this endorsement was above all a fuck-you to the neocons who sullied (if not destroyed) Powell's political brand is spot-on. (Jonathan Martin does some reporting that supports this notion that Powell's move "had less to do with the two candidates for president than the current occupant of the Oval Office.")

Something else that struck me in Powell's appearance on MTP was when he was talking about a possible post in an Obama administration - he wouldn't rule it out because (paraphrasing) you have to show deference when the President asks you to do something... isn't this precisely what got Powell in trouble in 2003?

UPDATE: And why didn't Brokaw ask Powell about Oliver Stone's W? It would have made perfect sense.