Friday, September 12, 2008

Dukakis Knocks It Over the Green Monster

Michael Dukakis on experience:

I think this experience thing is phony as a three-dollar bill. This guy's been in elected office for twelve consecutive years. That's more than Reagan was, more the Carter was, more than George Bush was, in fact double the amount of time Bush was in elected office, the same as Clinton and Bush One, and a couple of years less than John Kennedy. Some of that was in Illinois which is hardly the minor leagues of American politics, and he represented more people in his state senate district than live in the entire state of Alaska. He was an extremely effective state legislator. He's been an extremely effective United States senator. And frankly I don't know exactly what John McCain's executive experience is, to tell you the truth.

To be fair, experience isn't the issue for Sarah Palin either. Nor is her pregnant daughter the issue, or her special-needs son that she won't be able to spend much time with if she's off doing her thing "reforming Washington"... the issue is that she appears to be a pathological liar and if she can't even handle a press conference how the hell is she going to handle dangerous dictators like the Prime Minister of Spain?