Saturday, August 04, 2007

We Will Not Rest Until Plastic Surgeons Are Paid To Make Noses Bigger...

From Heeb Magazine's latest publicity e-mail:

Our work spreading the gospel of Heeb is never finished. We will not rest until we drive the Heeb RV to Boca Raton blasting Barbra along the way. We will not rest until we create a Heeb breakfast cereal that goes down better without milk. We will not rest until Mah-Jong is included in the Olympics. We will not rest until the Cannes Film Festival invites us to present the highly-coveted Palme D'Schnorrer. We will not rest until all 50 states ratify Rodney Dangerfield Day as a national holiday. We will not rest until Heebonics is taught in inner city schools. We will not rest until we have built the first kibbutz on Mars. We will not rest until plastic surgeons are paid to make noses bigger.