Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Falwell + Tsunami

I didn't get any hits on Yahoo! News when I searched for "Falwell + tsunami." Apparently Jerry has kept his mouth shut for once. (On a related note, this article from The Advocate suggests the vibrant gay community in Phuket is already rebuilding -- gays are nothing if not resilient.) Nonetheless there was this Voltairean exposition in the Guardian, and from the other end of the political spectrum, this from the Dallas Morning News. Relevant passage:

After the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the Rev. Jerry Falwell suggested that God was sending a message about American immorality by allowing the attack. Some Hindu leaders are searching for similar meanings in the tsunami tragedy, said Chandrashekar Narayanan, a priest at the Dallas Hindu Temple.

"There is a lot of sin that is going on," said Mr. Narayanan, who was born in Tamil Naya, the Indian state hardest hit by the killer waves.

But while Mr. Falwell focused on current events as an explanation for his God's wrath, Hindus consider a much longer time frame. Maybe modern leaders are sinning. But maybe hundreds or even thousands of years of bad karma finally added up to a catastrophic tragedy.

Btw, Yahoo! News has added content from The Nation and The Weekly Standard to its Op/Ed section. See here.

UPDATE: Al Franken says neither Falwell nor Pat Robertson has anything about tsunami relief on his website. James Dobson has a link, but guess what? It "urges you" to pray for victims. There's even a link to a site listing "specific prayer requests." Thanks, Jesus freaks!