Mr. Liberal S. Man
I'm not a big fan of the idea of "media reform" (i.e. I'm not a fan of OTHER people's idea of media reform) but after reading about this experience of free-speech scholar Geoffrey Stone, guest-blogging over at (Larry's back, btw), I might have to reconsider...
This is an article Stone wrote for the Chicago Tribune expressing his view that dissent can be patriotic. And here is Bill O'Reilly's predictably laughable distortion of it. "The Factor took issue with Stone. 'If someone is rooting for the terrorists to kill or maim Americans so America will leave, they are despicable and do not deserve to live in this country.'" That's taking issue with Stone? I think that's taking issue with Mr. Liberal S. Man. (S. stands for Straw.) More on Liberal S. Man and his many relatives here.
This is an article Stone wrote for the Chicago Tribune expressing his view that dissent can be patriotic. And here is Bill O'Reilly's predictably laughable distortion of it. "The Factor took issue with Stone. 'If someone is rooting for the terrorists to kill or maim Americans so America will leave, they are despicable and do not deserve to live in this country.'" That's taking issue with Stone? I think that's taking issue with Mr. Liberal S. Man. (S. stands for Straw.) More on Liberal S. Man and his many relatives here.
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