Sunday, November 14, 2004

Slugfest in Manhattan

This event -- taking place next week at the New York Society for Ethical Culture -- sounds like a gem... that is, some good blue-state fun not to be taken too seriously... (just think, a chance to talk about issues again, rather than listening to all the whining and wailing and Monday-morning quarterbacking about November 2)...

THE NATION vs. THE ECONOMIST - "A Debate on the Future
of Outsourcing"
A battle of ideas between two of the world's most
respected weekly magazines.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (doors open 6:00 pm)

* Clive Crook, Deputy Editor, - The Economist
* Ben Edwards, US Business Editor, - The Economist
* William Greider, National Affairs Correspondent, -
The Nation
* Lori Wallach, Director, - Public Citizen's Global
Trade Watch
Free Admission, seating is limited; no reservations.
Moderated by WNYC's Brian Lehrer, of The Brian Lehrer
Sponsored by The Economist, The Nation, and The New
York Society for Ethical Culture.