Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Global Warming Doesn't Only Hurt the Third World

From the Sacramento Bee, which has witnessed an alarming increase in the rate of disappearance of the Sacramento River Delta.

The most comprehensive report to date on the arctic and global warming rings another alarm for a challenge beyond the nation's political comfort zone. In their four-year project, hundreds of scientists concluded climate change is happening faster than previously thought. Within our children and grandchildren's lifetimes (somewhere between 2070 and 2090), the icy arctic will be a seasonal phenomenon...

Even before the report's formal release, the Bush administration offered an appalling response. If addressing global warming means reducing greenhouse gas emissions in a way that costs America jobs (a "single" job, one official said), the administration simply won't respond. That position is breathtaking. Global warming will cost this country many more jobs in the long run than a careful transition.