"In recent years, cyber-attacks by Iran and its allies have become a major risk to Israeli computer systems. One notable example: the sophisticated cyber-operation during Israel’s military incursion into Gaza earlier this year. At the peak of the attack, Israeli government sites received 15 million junk-mail deliveries per second from at least half a million computers. The Web site for the Home Front Command, which instructs citizens how to protect themselves from rocket attacks, temporarily went dark, as did dozens of other government sites, including one for Israel’s secret service... In fact, the Technolytics Institute, a U.S.-based think tank specializing in cybersecurity, ranks Iran as one of the top five cyber-threats in the world, with capabilities comparable to those of China and Russia. That’s not to say that Israel, home to some of the world’s leading high-tech companies, is defenseless. But the digital battlefield looks a lot more even than the real one."
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