Thursday, January 29, 2009


My only comment about the end of the Blagojevich ordeal is one that I've been meaning to make for a while: why on God's green earth did so many people jump on the "Blago is a political genius!" bandwagon when he appointed Roland Burris? It was a sleight of hand that momentarily distracted the media from Blagojevich's own problems (certainly not because it helped shore up African-American support, which one would only think if one knew nothing about Illinois politics and furthermore thought black people were stupid), but it ended up being like a Hail Mary pass caught by the receiver twenty yards short of the endzone and immediately tackled by three cornerbacks and two safeties. Genius would have been a Checkers speech, a jujitsu move transforming weakness into strength... but Blago played it more like Nixon in 1974 than Nixon in 1952 and bungled his chances. Any hack who thought for a moment he was a political Einstein should be dropped from your RSS feed.

P.S. Is Blago the new Jerry Springer?