Saturday, December 06, 2008

Much Ado...

Not one, not two, not three, but four advisory committees have been established to help choose retiring Yale football coach Jack Siedlecki's replacement. (Siedlecki decided to retire after a mediocre season and a humiliating shutout loss to Harvard in the season-ending Game.) Is this not excessive and slightly ridiculous? I think there is real distinction in having a terrible football team (Dartmouth went 0-10 this season -- more power to them!) - it sends a message that "we have our priorities in order." If you have a good football team, people will inevitably wonder about the lowering of admissions standards for athletes and so forth. And for what? A few extra alumni dollars? IMSO (in my snobbish opinion) anyone who gives or doesn't give to his alma mater based on the record of the football team should be taken out to the woodshed -- and no self-respecting school should solicit donations from such imbeciles.

Yale should actively seek out the absolute worst coach possible and do everything it can to lose as many football games as possible. I mean, really, who are they kidding?