No Opinion?!?!
There's some interesting stuff in this look at the 2010 California gubernatorial contenders... including the fact that 1/3 of Californians have no opinion of Jerry Brown, who is "only" the state Attorney General, a former two-term governor, chairman of the California Democratic Party, Mayor of Oakland, and Presidential candidate. I understand that a lot of Californians may not remember Brown's previous service as governor (1975-1983 was a long time ago, and in California terms, eons), but the guy has done a lot of stuff since then.
And one can only assume that Meg Whitman would basically run as the standard-bearer for Schwarzenegger Republicanism. We'll see how that goes.
And one can only assume that Meg Whitman would basically run as the standard-bearer for Schwarzenegger Republicanism. We'll see how that goes.
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