Thursday, August 07, 2008

Worst Obituary Ever

In his obituary of Peter Rodman (a leading light of foreign policy neoconcervatism), NY Sun's Eli Lake has what can only be described as an orgasm on Rodman's grave. Memo to Lake: you know your obituary is a joke when:

1) The piece begins by saying, "Americans began mourning over the weekend the loss of one of the country's premier foreign policy thinkers and strategists," when probably less than 1% of Americans have ever heard of the deceased.

2) You refer without a hint of irony to "President Bush's freedom agenda."

3) The only quotations in the piece are from Donald Rumsfeld and Douglas Feith, and a little-known speechwriter for Henry Kissinger.

This kind of ridiculous neocon preening only draws attention to itself, when the focus of any obituary should be on the deceased's life and (perhaps) the tragedy of his passing.