Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Connecticut People Power

The Hilltop Brigade, a grassroots organization in Connecticut ("our fair state," to paraphrase Click and Clack) that mobilizes volunteers in safe Dem congressional districts to work for Dem congressional candidates in adjoining non-safe districts, is lauded by Nancy Pelosi's daughter in her new book, "Campaign Boot Camp." Get the book and learn about other success stories from the frontlines of the progressive uprising.

(There is nothing particularly revolutionary about what Hilltop Brigade does -- but it is astonishing how many perfectly well-informed people have no idea what is going on in House races outside their own CD, even when the foreign district is geographically right around the corner; and while the Internet theoretically works against ignorance and provinciality, expensive media markets and increasingly targeted advertising work for it. HB has stepped into the void where utterly pathetic and feckless state parties have inexplicably failed to go.)