More In Sorrow Than In Anger
Well, that certainly doesn't apply to Zell "I Challenge You To A Duel!" Miller (as long as we're making comparisons). Nor, perhaps, to Lieberman's constituents... we're mad as hell!
Speaking of duels, the major foreign policy flap in the liberal blogosphere today was Yglesias versus Chait, with Yglesias continuing to hold the liberal hawks' feet to the fire. A bit uncharitable, perhaps (the Hypocritic Oath for pundits is mutually assured amnesia), but like the New York Yankees, grossly mistaken pundits (including, or maybe especially, those who support unwise wars in the Middle East) can never be criticized enough -- no such thing as too much accountability!
Speaking of duels, the major foreign policy flap in the liberal blogosphere today was Yglesias versus Chait, with Yglesias continuing to hold the liberal hawks' feet to the fire. A bit uncharitable, perhaps (the Hypocritic Oath for pundits is mutually assured amnesia), but like the New York Yankees, grossly mistaken pundits (including, or maybe especially, those who support unwise wars in the Middle East) can never be criticized enough -- no such thing as too much accountability!
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