Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Middle East = Muslim?

Obviously there's a noteworthy perversity about the capacity to believe Obama is simultaneously a crypto-Muslim while simultaneously being brainwashed by his Christian pastor (as Gershom Gorenberg says, "a one-man repertory theater, as talented as the Jews who were once accused of being bankers, communists, zionists and cosmopolitans all at once"), but Ben Smith seems to read too much into Indianan Mary Bunger's enlightened remarks... and come up with a conclusion that rather resembles what he is criticizing. I don't think "from the Middle East" or even "Anti-Christ" can be equated with Islam unless perhaps you're the little voice in John Hagee's head. (The Anti-Christ is usually represented in Christian theology as an atheist, worshiping only himself.)

UPDATE: She must be crazy because she's a single mother - they've been touched in the head as a result of their blaspheme against the traditional family.