A Fine, Athletic Man
West Virginia loved F.D.R. “because the Depression had been very tough for them and F.D.R. was kind to them,” [former Washington Monthly editor Charlie] Peters said. (On my father’s trip, he was threatened by a man who asked him about “rumors” that President Roosevelt was in a wheelchair and threatened to thrash any man who said so. My dad, a detective who served on protective details for F.D.R., assured the ruffian that Roosevelt was “a fine, athletic man.”)
West Virginia loved F.D.R. “because the Depression had been very tough for them and F.D.R. was kind to them,” [former Washington Monthly editor Charlie] Peters said. (On my father’s trip, he was threatened by a man who asked him about “rumors” that President Roosevelt was in a wheelchair and threatened to thrash any man who said so. My dad, a detective who served on protective details for F.D.R., assured the ruffian that Roosevelt was “a fine, athletic man.”)
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