Friday, March 28, 2008

Pennsylvania Let-Down

It always galls me that voters in places like New Hampshire and Iowa seem unable to make up their minds about the election until Candidate A kisses their baby, or Candidate B shows up and eats a chili-dog at their favorite lunch spot. It's enormously frustrating that so many voters wait so long to decide and end up relying on epiphanies in the voting booth. (This sounds like a different critique, I know - but it's based on voters having the same lousy criteria.) The truth is that you do not need to see Candidate A in the flesh to make a judgment about his or her policies, character, and experience. You do not need to see how well Candidate B tips at the local diner. You do not need to wait for your shitty local newspaper to meet with the candidates and issue its endorsement.

It's bad enough for average voters to behave in this fashion. But for the mayor of the third largest city in Pennsylvania to do so? Oy gevolt.