Zizek! (The Sequel to the Sequel)
When will Zizek fatigue set in, or is that, like, the whole point?
If you're asking yourself, "Zizek Who?," his oeuvre is best illustrated by a choice quote (of which there are many), e.g.:
Is not Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings' the ultimate proof of this paradox [that paganism is the ultimate Christian dream]? Only a devout Christian could have imagined such a magnificent pagan universe, thereby confirming that paganism is the ultimate Christian dream. This is why the conservative Christian critics who recently expressed their concern at how books and movies like Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter series undermine Christianity through their message of pagan magic miss the point, that is, the perverse conclusion that is unavoidable here: you want to enjoy the pagan dream of pleasurable life without paying the price of melancholic sadness for it? Choose Christianity!
From "The Puppet and the Dwarf", MIT Press, 2003, p. 48
If you're asking yourself, "Zizek Who?," his oeuvre is best illustrated by a choice quote (of which there are many), e.g.:
Is not Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings' the ultimate proof of this paradox [that paganism is the ultimate Christian dream]? Only a devout Christian could have imagined such a magnificent pagan universe, thereby confirming that paganism is the ultimate Christian dream. This is why the conservative Christian critics who recently expressed their concern at how books and movies like Lord of the Rings or the Harry Potter series undermine Christianity through their message of pagan magic miss the point, that is, the perverse conclusion that is unavoidable here: you want to enjoy the pagan dream of pleasurable life without paying the price of melancholic sadness for it? Choose Christianity!
From "The Puppet and the Dwarf", MIT Press, 2003, p. 48
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