The Artful (But Cheerful!) Dodger
Note how many references to "upbeat" and "cheerful" there are in George Will's latest column on the Governator. Why do conservatives love Arnold so much? It's obvious. He's so optimistic... just like Reagan!
Andrew Sullivan takes a potshot at Arnold.
And CA-statehouse reporters are getting a little (or a lot) fed up with Arnold's posturing. Read (or listen to) John Myers's reporting on the special election for public radio's "California Report." A sample:
On tomorrow morning's edition of "California Report," we're trying something different with this interview: we're giving the listener a chance to hear what it's like when a reporter's question is artfully dodged. In this instance, I asked the governor about where to cut state spending, and it became an 8 minute discussion of everything from seismic safety to the economy...
It's not the only or best way to expose a phony, but it's a start.
Andrew Sullivan takes a potshot at Arnold.
And CA-statehouse reporters are getting a little (or a lot) fed up with Arnold's posturing. Read (or listen to) John Myers's reporting on the special election for public radio's "California Report." A sample:
On tomorrow morning's edition of "California Report," we're trying something different with this interview: we're giving the listener a chance to hear what it's like when a reporter's question is artfully dodged. In this instance, I asked the governor about where to cut state spending, and it became an 8 minute discussion of everything from seismic safety to the economy...
It's not the only or best way to expose a phony, but it's a start.
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