My Letter to Fox News's Shepard Smith...
Dear Shep,
Nice going, today! You really gave it to that hack covering the Martha
Stewart prison-farewell story [who committed the unforgivable sin of not knowing what question he was going to shout at her eight hours hence as she sped by in a humvee on her way to house arrest], and on-air, too! Way to go -- you just proved that you're not only a right-wing hack and celebrity-monger but also a major-league arsehole. Poor guy, he probably thought you were going to run him over with your car. Thanks for showing your true colors. I really trust journalists who don't try to conceal their true feelings, that is, of jealousy and resentment of other shallow, partisan hacks. Especially when the story is as important as, er, Martha Stewart's motorcade.
Don't get me wrong, though -- that reporter you chewed out (did I mention that you did so on live television?) is a hack, too. It's just that you might want to try concealing Fox News in-house rancor from your viewers. Just a thought.
Nice going, today! You really gave it to that hack covering the Martha
Stewart prison-farewell story [who committed the unforgivable sin of not knowing what question he was going to shout at her eight hours hence as she sped by in a humvee on her way to house arrest], and on-air, too! Way to go -- you just proved that you're not only a right-wing hack and celebrity-monger but also a major-league arsehole. Poor guy, he probably thought you were going to run him over with your car. Thanks for showing your true colors. I really trust journalists who don't try to conceal their true feelings, that is, of jealousy and resentment of other shallow, partisan hacks. Especially when the story is as important as, er, Martha Stewart's motorcade.
Don't get me wrong, though -- that reporter you chewed out (did I mention that you did so on live television?) is a hack, too. It's just that you might want to try concealing Fox News in-house rancor from your viewers. Just a thought.
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