Wednesday, January 05, 2005

MoveOn Asks Members to Dispute Ohio Vote

In the last couple hours, has sent out an email asking its members to contact Sen. Barbara Boxer about joining with John Conyers to dispute the electoral votes from Ohio in tomorrow's Congressional joint session to certify November's presidential vote. With MoveOn's network at 3 million or so, that alone could produce 100,000 emails. Rhode Island's Chafee may also be considering a challenge. Keith Olbermann, you've done yeoman's work, but this is your moment to really SHINE!

UPDATE: Oh no! Olbermann's "sick" tonight! It's a conspiracy! (Datelining his blog dispatches "Sick Bed, New York," Olbermann soldiers on with his reporting):

Congressional sources tell this reporter that the house half of the written objection — which has the declared support of more than a dozen Representatives — is expected to be signed by Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio. Republican leadership expects the Senate signatory to be Barbara Boxer of California, but this has not yet been formalized. The Majority is also worried about the possible absence of many of its members in both houses, and the prospect that a quorum might not be achieved, leading the process into uncharted, albeit not very threatening, constitutional grounds. There is a mathematical, if not practical, chance that the ratification of the Electoral College vote could be delayed past tomorrow.
As it is, a written challenge would require the joint session to suspend for several hours, during which the Senate and the House would meet separately and debate the merits of the objection.
The ad hoc group formed by Representative John Conyers of Michigan has also today published its staff report, concluding that before, during, and after the election in Ohio, many state laws may have been broken, in every area ranging from the allocation of voting machines, election day "anomalies," and the recount. It recommended a formal Congressional inquiry, and additional legislation to reform voting laws.