Monday, January 10, 2005

CBS Reports On Itself...

... not entire successfully, but it's understandable.

Bob Schieffer leads with the memogate investigation on the CBS evening news broadcast (on at this moment on the West coast). Rather is nowhere to be found -- and is reported to have "no comment." Interviews with Dick Thornburgh, Leslie Moonves, and Andy Rooney (yes, Andy Rooney) -- plus Scott McClellan at a White House press conference, and Howard Kurtz from a cable news broadcast earlier in the day. CBSer Jim Axelrod did an OK job reporting the facts, but it must have been hopelessly awkward for Axelrod and everyone he talked to at CBS. (And not just because internal investigations are always messy, though that's a big reason. I don't care how much of a professional you are -- it's awkward knowing your every syllable will be analyzed to death, reincarnation, and more death by the right-wing blogosphere.)

How about an ombudsman? I think Dan Okrent's contract expires this spring...