Thursday, September 16, 2004

You Know Who You Are

Elections, at least in America, may not be very good at bringing out voters, but they are good at bringing out the worst in voters. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about: Republican C-Span viewers who call in on the pro-Kerry line. And Andrew Sullivan readers who pretend to be middle-of-the-road "libertarians" but are suddenly and seemingly improbably swayed to vote for Bush simply because Dan Rather's a dunce (hey, Bush is a dunce, too!). Or maybe this guy means he's suddenly been persuaded (flip-flopped?) to vote for Libertarian candidate Michael "Bad-Ass" Badnarik? If Bush is your guy, just say so! Cuz if every time the media screws up your vote changes, you got a lot to learn about democracy.

"Overall, I have many of the same lamentations about Big-Government-Bush as you, and as my views are generally libertarian I find much of the social conservatism distasteful as well. But while I was struggling with how to approach this election for those reasons, I must say that this unspeakably disgusting behavior by CBS has now made my decision easy. I always thought the clear liberal bias at CBS (and others) was just a natural consequence of the way the liberal journalists dominating MSM see the world rather than a concerted effort to push a liberal agenda (the fish don’t feel the water theory, as others have put it). I now see how wrong I was. If CBS is willing to not only shred even the pretense of journalistic ethics, but to actually conspire to commit fraud (as I think the evidence of ignoring experts and standing behind such obvious forgeries shows) in a desperate attempt to throw a presidential election and install their candidate, then I must do everything I can to oppose them. This means becoming an active supporter of President Bush. I would never have imagined that would happen, but all I can say is thanks, CBS, for exposing yourself and clearing things up."