Thursday, September 23, 2004

E-mail of the Day of the Day

Lord knows that I hate Hugh Hewitt (he'll be talking about Swift Vets in 2039), but sometimes he really outdoes himself. Can you judge a blogger by his "E-mail of the Day"? Would it be too meta- to start an "E-mail of the Day of the Day"? Here's Hugh's entry:

"I just finished your book. Thanks for what I think is the most important point from page 72, “Majorities matter, majorities matter, majorities matter!” Many of us evangelical, pro-life voters tend to lose sight of this and want to become single issue voters, even to the detriment of our own party. In so doing, we shoot ourselves in the collective foot by withdrawing from the field of battle and giving the victory to the party that will never support our single issue."

1) Yeah, hooray for single issue voters! Go get 'em! Vote Eric Rudolph in '04!
2) The real problem with this "E-mail of the Day" is that every nano-nook and nano-cranny of Hugh's website is devoted to plugging his goddam book! Hugh -- shut up about your book already!!!